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All-Inside Change-Point Detection

Detection and Estimation of Any Type of Break/Change-Point in One Code


Change-point methods are useful for detecting parameter instabilities or changes in the moments of the data. The package provides tools for simultaneously detecting abrupt (i.e., breaks) or smooth change-points in any of the following features of a time series: mean, variance, covariance and autocorrelation.

Many change-point methods along with corresponding codes have been developed in the literature. Each method/code focuses on a specific feature of a time series and a specific type of break. All-Inside includes a single change-point procedure that is useful for any feature and any type of break. The user needs to just run a single code. That is why it is named All-Inside.

The methods are based on frequency domain statistics as developed in Casini and Perron (2021), “Change-Point Analysis of Time Series with Evolutionary Spectra”. The methods are also useful for the choice of subsamples for regression analyses.

Non-Technical Summary for Empirical Research

Download Non-Technical Summary here.

Software available in Matlab, R and Stata


Background Papers

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